Casualties named on the Morley War Memorial

We have divided these into groups
1914 Casualties
1915 Casualties
1916 Casualties
1917 Casualties
1918 Casualties
Post 1918 Casualties
Unidentified Names
452 men are named on the Memorial.
The tables of information contain the names of men in the order in which they died along with their rank, number, regiment and age. In some cases their age has been calculated from census returns.
We have used the following sources as guides for use of abbreviation
Regiment: National Archives_Abbreviations on Medal Cards
Rank: The Royal Anglian & Royal Lincolnshire Assocn.
This is a work in progress and we will appreciate comments and extra information.

After the war, churches, chapels, clubs and manufacturing concerns made memorials and rolls of honour for folks – exclusively men, it seems – who had perished or served in the war. The official town memorial was not set up until 1927, several years after those of Churwell and Gildersome. This memorial was based on a list drawn up by the council which was based on recommendations from bereaved relatives and that of librarian Edwin Gentry.
Our studies show that the Morley memorial contains names of men
- Born in Morley, who lived there with their families.
- Born outside Morley but worked within it for a notable time.
- Lived outside the town but had family connections with it.
- Who had been severely wounded in the war but died after the official armistice.
Unsurprisingly, we have found names of men who qualified for a place on the memorial, considering the above factors, but who were omitted. Some account of this will be given elsewhere.
We have used a variety of sources.
Main on-line sources : The Commonwealth War Graves site; Ancestry; Find My Past.
The Morley Observer for much biographical information.
Personal Communications with relatives.
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